I've talked in the past about BIlBetSoVic's customs and I've posted a few of his great work on my blog, I'm always in awe of his quality work, imaginative designs and equally imaginative stories behind his customs. I'm sure that more than a few of you would love to get inside the creative brain of his, so I hit Bil up to see if he had time to answer some questions for all of us to get to know him a little better..
As a (wannabe) customizer myself, an artist and huge fan of yours, the first thing I would like to say is that I love the way that your designs, art and customs all have some kind of story behind them. Not only that, they are very imaginative and funny stories.
My first question is, how do you come up with the variety of stories and ideas you have?
What inspires your art and stories?
First let me say thank you for your kind words! Most of my ideas just sorta pop into my head while sketching in books as the character comes to life a story just pops into my head like im talking to them personally,most of my stories get cut short because i could probaly ramble on for days about that characters "life" lol...
Ok, so TV, Coffee and Cereal... What kind of Cereal, TV Shows? Espresso or drip?
TV,cereal,and lots of coffee...simple as that.
Is there anything you do when you need to be inspired? I guess, what I mean is, do you have a process?mostly froot loops,fruity pebbles,anda generic trix from albertsons (tastes like the original trix SOOOO good)tv?i guess more movies than anything lots of goonies,devils rejects,hitchikers guide!anything with caffeine!
Who are your heroes when it comes to your life and getting you to where you are today? Who are the heros of today in the art toy scene for you?Not too much really,i draw alot in sketch books and on certain days come up with so many good ideas,just in case i go in an art slump i can go back and paint an idea i had months ago sometimes it works sometimes i look at my older stuff and think WTF was i thinkin????but i wouldnt call anything i do a process really....
Heroes? not too many really my parents have been SOMEWHAT supportive,my mom rescues dogs so i LOVE that,anybody who helps out animals im a big fan of...oh and Bo Jackson he was the man when i was growin up!!!big ups to Bo!!
art/toy scene heroes are too many to list and id hate to forget some so i plead to 5th on that one.
Tell me whats going on in your lumpy gray matter for upcoming projects! Anything you can tell us now that you can reveal to us? What kinds of things can we expect from Betso NEXT?
A few custom shows here n there,might be an artist series for the BETXO's if they do good on the first turn around probaly...hopefully to see my art in more galleries ive been working hard to be an artist that does toys,not just a toy artist....
IF they do good? Well I think you should have no worries there! I don't. :)
still gonna keep my fingers crossed...but thanx
I don't think that you should worry too much about whether people know you're an artist or not, there is no doubt, first of all just looking at your customs, but once they see your paintings and walls.. there's no question. Along the lines of art, any new plans to do anything big like big walls or art shows?
A few custom show comin up,6 x 6 show DRIL is puttin on...whatever comes my way...
What is your dream as an artist?
To be able to sit at home and paint ALL DAY and make a good living off it,not even to be rich but live comfortable....
Imagine you're retiring or at least in your golden years looking back. What do you hope you'll be looking back to see? What kind of a legacy do you hope to leave?
I hope to be recognized thru my art and know that ive put a great body of different stuff out
there for people to enjoy,maybe be talked about after death...even if thats on the antique roadshow lol.
We all know that most graffiti, done without permission of any kind, is illegal. But you and I both know also that there is some very amazing art up on walls -- albeit illegally. How do you feel about the anti-graffiti sentiment of so many in our society?
I guess it all depends on what they see,i JUST moved to Salt Lake SH***y and took my dogs on a walk and some toy hit up on a tree in the middle of nowhere,i thought that was pretty shitty thats about theonly part i dont care for is "nature bombing". Other than that i LOVE all graf,and people should respect the FREE art they see everyday.
Do you think that graffiti can be done in a way that would allow artists to express themselves yet still be able to "tag"? Do you think that would take the "spirit" out of the art itself?
Yeah it would take ALOT of the "spirit" out of it the point is to get up ya know,anywhere and everywhere it a really thin line either way,i see a bunch of garbage graf here in utah so itd be better without it,but in SF,LA, or NY its a beautiful thing....
How did you get started with art?
It all started with graf,did that for a good 10 years,than i was gettin tattooed by a ex graf writer and he said somethin like "graf inhibits you to only lettering" so i started doin characters and it all kinda blossomed from there,saw a custom dunny by bLiNkY on ebay one day and that was the beginning of the end...
Was your family a supportive one when it came to your artistic gift?
not really my parents are the work-a-holics type people so they think even if you make a good living off art you should have a 9 to 5????,that gene must've skipped this generation,because i
hate to slave for any corporation hahahaha but they really didnt say much when i was doin graf every nite id be goin out with 3 cand in my belt under a hoodie and my dad would tell me "just dont get caught im not gonna bail you out" but he did a few times anyways!
I'd like to thank BilBetsovic for taking time out to answer all of these questions. Betso has a new line of toys coming out called BetXOs, and I'll be posting tomorrow about those toys, and following, I will be putting up several more days featuring Betso's work. Keep on the lookout!
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